Is E-learning Better than Traditional Classroom Learning?


In this day and age, with increased proliferation of online courses and programs, the question of whether e-learning or classroom learning is better has been asked a thousand times and has sparked many debates. But based on facts and studies and reality, the real question is being overlooked.

Ever since the first comparative study in 1947 aimed at testing which learning setting was best, numerous research and studies on the topic are being published, each one either contradicting or supporting the last. The US Army, in 1947, conducted a research aimed at determining the best learning method – a film version, an actual classroom version, or a self-study lesson, each having the same script. The results? There was no significant difference in learning between the three groups!

Consistently, many studies show the same finding – that learning in an online setting can be as effective as learning in a traditional classroom setting. However, though the setting may not matter, the content does. Student learning through an online platform is only as effective as the quality of the methods and how the content is presented. Learners who go through courses that are well-planned, well-executed and supported by the appropriate technology learn more effectively than those in courses with inadequate planning and less support.

This shows that we’re seemingly asking the wrong question, because learning isn’t about the medium, but rather about the methods on how information is presented. When instructional methods remain the same despite the medium, the degree of learning will not differ significantly. If a course or program is presented in a way that effectively facilitates learning, then, whether it is presented in a classroom, through a video, or through an online platform, the student will easily grasp the subject matter. On the other hand, no matter what medium is used to deliver the content, a course designed with effective instructional methods will always result in better learning than a course that does not take into consideration effective methods to support learning.

Despite this clear message that course design impacts learning much more than the medium, we do admit that not all learning media are created equal. Each avenue has various pros and cons that have to be taken into consideration depending on the scenario where learning is needed. E-learning, however, presents unique opportunities where the problems in traditional learning settings are given new solutions.

  1. Engagement is increased – Unlike in traditional classrooms where engagement is selective and fluctuating, computer-based learning comes with a variety of tools to enable users to interact and be highly engrossed in the course content. Simulations, apps and a variety of interactive programs ensure that the learner’s attention is constantly focused on the content.
  1. Tailored learning – One great aspect of e-learning is that the learner can go through the course at his or her own pace, a feature difficult to achieve in a setting with people of different learning abilities. In a typical classroom, the instructor sets the pace for learning while the students have to either slow down or speed up their pace to be in sync with the class. E-learning provides personalized education where students can access material at their own speed, wit the assurance that they are learning what they have to learn.
  1. Variety of media used – Computers present a wide variety of media for the student to learn from – starting with text and audio to graphics and animations. Graphics and diagrams can be used to support concepts, while animations can be used to explain processes and elaborate on complicated mechanisms. These multiple channels can facilitate learning in a more effective way, allowing students to understand and comprehend the subject matter in a way that they can easily understand.
  1. Saves time and effort – Among the highlights of e-learning is its flexibility feature that allows learners to access course content anytime and anywhere. The flexible schedules allowed by e-learning courses save more time for the learner, permitting access to learning during free time, during gaps at work, or whenever they are available. It also eliminates the rigid scheduling and the effort in having to go from one place to another to attend a class. This makes the learner’s time and efforts more focused on comprehending the course content rather than worrying about having to get to class on time or where to get a ride.

E-learning here at the EHA presents opportunities that otherwise are not possible in traditional classroom settings. We know that the time, efforts and resources of medical professionals are too important to waste, that’s why our extensive medical resources are easily accessed through our e-learning platform, all at the click of a mouse.